Speleofest 2025 Vendor Policy
Wednesday May 21, 2024 – Monday 26, 2024
$50 or Donation of an item(s) of equal retail value. Vendor passes include admission for up to 2 employees.
If vendors need passes for additional employees, please specify needs in application. Additional costs could be associated.
Donations may be used for event raffle or future fundraising events.
May arrive as early as Wednesday. It would be wonderful if vendors could accept customers by Friday night but not required. If you need to arrive earlier or later please make approved arrangements prior to the event.
Vendors are expected to stay until Sunday Evening. Vendors are expected to be off site by 1pm Monday. If you need to leave earlier or later please make approved arrangements prior to the event. If you need to leave in an emergency please inform Speleofest Chair or Cave Central. Failure to do so may result in not being able to return as a vendor in the future.
Required to be open for Vending on Saturday and Sunday Night
These are the busiest shopping times. You may be open any additional times as you decide. Friday Evening is also a popular time for shoppers. If you sell cave gear being open before cave trips start leaving 7am until 9 am Saturday and Sunday would be greatly appreciated.
The Louisville Grotto is not responsible for damaged items, stolen items or money. Cash jar or note to go to a person at a specific location is acceptable, do this at your own risk. The Louisville Grotto is not responsible for damaged items, stolen items or money.
Vending Space
Vendors needing a space larger than 10ft x 10ft, power beyond lighting, running water or other special requests must be made at least 30 days prior to the event.
Vendors are responsible for providing their own Tent, Canopy, Trailer, vehicle or other vending Equipment. This includes lighting and electrical cords within their space.
Speleofest will provide power for lights.
Speleofest will provide WIFI to vendors for processing transactions.
As a condition of participating in the festival, vendors recognize and acknowledge that they are ultimately responsible for their wares and conduct and agree to release, hold harmless, defend and indemnify Speleofest, The Lone Star Preserve, Speleofest Volunteers, and The Louisville Grotto, also referred to in these Rules and Regulations as Organizers, and its officers, directors, members, employees, and agents [collectively referred to as “the Protected Parties”] from and against all liability, claims, demands, losses, damages, costs, expenses (including attorney’s fees), fines, judgments, and penalties arising from:
- Any failure of the vendor to abide by these Rules and Regulations;
- Any consumption or use of items that the vendor sells or distributes at the festival;
- Any presence, use, or misuse of an appliance, piece of equipment, vehicle or other item under the vendor’s ownership, possession or control while at the festival;
- Any action, inaction or other conduct by the vendor associated with the vendor’s participation in the festival;
- Any lack of care, expertise or experience on the part of the vendor associated with the vendor’s participation in the festival;
- Any injury or loss the vendor may sustain in any way associated with the festival or conditions at the festival premises; and
- Any failure by the vendor to exercise supervision and control over its employees, helpers, agents, or representatives in any way associated with the vendor’s participation in the festival.
- Vendors are individually responsible for conforming to all city, state and federal laws including the securing of any licenses or certifications required for the operation of their business and for the items they sell or distribute.
- Vendors are prohibited from selling items prohibited by Kentucky or Federal law or any merchandise that Speleofest Chairperson, at their sole discretion, considers racist, discriminatory or offensive.
If any of the foregoing provisions should at any time be held unlawful, void, or for any reason unenforceable, that provision shall be deemed severable and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions.
Speleofest 2025 Vendor Application
Application due by April 30, 2025 caver time.